These statements were each collected from police records during interviews regarding the cases against:
Suspect 1: Oscar Fuentes Haimlich De Marco Baum Cruz Andrew Bjorn Adrian Ragnar Dimitri David Desilvia Costa
Suspect 2: Raymond (No Last Name Given)
Newly Divorced Groom
The Truck**** On Record: Recording ****
I actually think I will be pressing charges against her. I mean it’s one thing to get mad, but taking it out on my truck is just too much.
No, not them. My wife … err .. I guess ex-wife now, or tomorrow. However this works. Is the court even opened tomorrow?
The two guys walking? How the [redacted] would I know who they are? Or did they witness her throwing [redacted] at the truck? It would probably help me in court. I mean this [redacted] totally up and left me on our wedding day. A man can’t help if he’s in love with more than just one girl. It doesn’t make him a bad guy.
Whatever. I have no idea who the rich guy walking with Oscar was. Never seen him before in my life. Can I go now? I got a date in a bit.
**** End of Recording ****