Production Update on “It Happens in Florida” (aka It’s Floriduh, Man)
We wanted to share an update on the progress of It Happens in Florida (formerly known as It’s Floriduh, Man).
On January 6th, our team of producers gathered with excitement to announce that the Assembly Cut was officially complete. This marked an important milestone for us, as the next steps involved the director and writer carefully reviewing the footage to guide our editor in creating the Rough Cut.
Unfortunately, just a day later, wildfires erupted across Southern California, halting our assembly cut review and profoundly affecting some of our post-production team members. Our hearts go out to everyone who faced challenges during that difficult time.
Now, with the fires behind us and our team finding their footing again, we’re thrilled to share that production has resumed! Every day brings us one step closer to completing this project we hold so dear.
Rest assured, we’re pouring our hearts and hard work into bringing It Happens in Florida to life, and we couldn’t do it without your unwavering patience and support.
Thank you for sticking with us on this journey. Big things are on the horizon!
With love and gratitude,
The It Happens in Florida Team
Please share the commercial as much as possible when it comes out. In the meantime, please share this site and our social media links so we can build a following to ensure ths series is picked up. Thank you!
Suggested Hastags: #florida #ithappensinflorida #floridaman #tvshow #comedy #funny #bail #sendbailmoney



Alligator Handler

Disgruntled Bride

Snake Handler