These statements were each collected from police records during interviews regarding the cases against:
Suspect 1: Oscar Fuentes Haimlich De Marco Baum Cruz Andrew Bjorn Adrian Ragnar Dimitri David Desilvia Costa
Suspect 2: Raymond (No Last Name Given)


Iguana Man

John Munro & Winnie

**** On Record: Recording ****

Sure I saw them. You did too. You were there recording them. One of the guys was kind of weird though. Something about him. It was like he didn’t belong here or something.

The other guy was Oscar. He don’t harm nothing.

But anyway, I didn’t really watch them too much. Winnie and I were out for a stroll so I was more interested in talking with him than butting into other’s businesses.


Hell no. WInnie’s my iguana. Which come to think about it, she don’t really talk, so I’m guessin’ her inter-o-gation is over. Same as this one. Good day, deputies.

**** End of Recording ****

Iguana Man'S ALBUM